GD Luxury Capolavoro Elegance Ultimate Case NVH210317U Walk-Nappa NVH210317U CSC ELEGANCE ULTIMATE GALLERY SPECIFICATIONS CASE OPTIONS MODEL: Capolavoro Soft CaseCATEGORY: UltimateSTYLE: Elegance EXTERIOR LEATHER: WalkNappa BlackPIPING: Netherlands OrangeZIPPER: AZ Spiral 6M Gunmetal LOGO: GD EmbroideredBELT: Design TwoSTITCH: Netherlands Orange INTERIOR LEATHER: WalkNappa BlackULTRASUEDE: Alcantara Slate Black 9901STITCH: Netherlands Orange CUSTOM EMBROIDERY: Several embroideries through out the case. CUSTOMER FEEDBACKFirst of all... the cue case has arrived...J Secoundly.... It is a dream that came true. What a piece of art.... When opening the package the smell of the finest leather was touching my nose. ReallySEE DETAILS